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  • Carr, M. H. (1994). Effects of macroalgal dynamics on recruitment of a temperate reef fish. Ecology, 75(5), 1320-1333.
  • Erisman, B.E. and Allen, L.G., 2005. Color patterns and associated behaviors in the kelp bass, Paralabrax clathratus (Teleostei: Serranidae). Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences, 104(2), pp.45-62.
  • Erisman, B.E. and Allen, L.G., 2006. Reproductive behaviour of a temperate serranid fish, Paralabrax clathratus (Girard), from Santa Catalina Island, California, USA. Journal of fish biology, 68(1), pp.157-184.
  • Erisman, B. E., L. G. Allen, J. T. Claisse, D. J. Pondella, E. F. Miller, J. H. Murray and C. Walters (2011). "The illusion of plenty: hyperstability masks collapses in two recreational fisheries that target fish spawning aggregations." Canadian Journal of
  • House, P. H., & Allen, L. G. (2022). Differences in trophic and community structure of kelp forest fishes inside and outside of three long-standing MPAs in the Southern California Bight. Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences, 121(1), 1-26.
  • Jarvis, E. T., Gliniak, H. L., & Valle, C. F. (2014). Effects of fishing and the environment on the long-term sustainability of the recreational saltwater bass fishery in southern California. California Fish and Game, 100(2), 234-259.
  • Love, M. S., Brooks, A., Busatto, D., Stephens, J., & Gregory, P. A. (1996). Aspects of the life histories of the kelp bass, Paralabrax clathratus, and barred sand bass, P. nebulifer, from the southern California Bight. Fishery Bulletin, 94(3), 472-481.